Another Bellwood Daze event is the Kids Pedal Tractor Pull. It begins right after the River Run races at the same location. Come for the run, stay for more fun. See the Bellwood Daze events listing for more information.

Another Bellwood Daze event is the Kids Pedal Tractor Pull. It begins right after the River Run races at the same location. Come for the run, stay for more fun. See the Bellwood Daze events listing for more information.
These three are prepped and ready to go for the 2012 kids run. The half-mile raceĀ is held entirely on asphalt streets in Bellwood. With that shorter distance, we often have 2-year-old runners participate. Parents (and others) are welcome to participate with their children.
Just minutes before the start of the 2011 kids run.
Start quick, run strong, and finish like you’ve done this before. It’s all cool.