Here is a direct link to the Google Photos album for the race, and a link to the race results.

Here is a direct link to the Google Photos album for the race, and a link to the race results.
Race results and photos from Saturday are now online on Google Photos. We will post more photos later this week. Thanks again for being a part of the Bellwood Daze River Run!
The results are now posted on the website.
We had 177 runners across the three races. Other than a little rain, it was a great day for running. (Most of the runners finished before the rain moved in.) If you have any questions about the results or comments about the race, please let us know. Thank you for supporting our race.
The 2016 Bellwood Daze River Run is now history! Overall it was a very successful race. We had around 180 runners in the three races, and the rain stayed away until most of the runners in the 6-mile race had finished.
Results will be posted over the weekend to the website, and we will send a message out to anyone that registered with an email address.
Thanks for the great turnout!
(The image above is from the 6-mile turnaround near the river. )